3525 次Azure Biosystems Western blotting之實驗秘籍 2017-10-16
蛋白分離、雜交、檢測、分析前瞻回顧鑒于小編在《Azure Biosystems Western Blotting工作流程之實驗方法的選擇》中和大家聊了Western blot的實驗方法選擇,相信大家已經將您的western blot 實驗
14939 次Isolation and Culture of Human Brain Tumor Stem Cell 2011-4-1
Isolation and Culture of Human Brain Tumor Stem CellThe isolation, culture, identification, and purification of stem cells from primary human brain tumors of different phenotypes h
2324 次Isolation and Culture of Human Liver Stem Cells 2011-4-1
Isolation and Culture of Human Liver Stem CellsMaterials and Methods1.Human hepatocytes were isolated from fresh surgical specimens of patients undergoing hepatectomies. Healthy li