VIDAS® Immuno-Concentration E. coli O157 (ICE)
For microbiological control only
VIDAS® Immuno-Concentration E. coli O157 (ICE) is an automated test for use on the VIDAS® family of instruments, for
the selective enrichment of E. coli O157.
VIDAS® Immuno-Concentration E. coli O157 is intended
for use in conjunction with the VIDAS® UP E. coli O157
(including H7) (ECPT) assay. It enables the simplification
and easy interpretation of confirmation tests on samples
in which E. coli O157 have been detected by VIDAS®
Direct plating of certain enriched samples which screened
positive with VIDAS® ECPT can result in the overgrowth
of the target E. coli O157 by competitive enteric flora.
VIDAS® Immuno-Concentration E. coli O157 (ICE) is a
fully automated method for the selective concentration of
E. coli O157 from enrichment broth. The procedure
enhances the performance of the selective isolation
media (1).
For the sample types, please refer to the VIDAS® ECPT
(Ref. 30122) package insert.
The VIDAS® Immuno-Concentration E. coli O157 (ICE) kit
includes two ready-to-use components:
A pipette tip-like disposable device, the Solid Phase
Receptacle (SPR® ), which serves as the solid phase as
well as the pipetting device for the assay. The interior of
the SPR® is coated with anti-E coli O157 antibodies
adsorbed on its surface.
A strip which contains all the wash and release
Part of the enrichment broth is dispensed into the reagent
strip and the sample is cycled in and out of the SPR® .
E. coli O157 present in the broth will bind to the anti
E. coli O157 antibodies coating the interior of the SPR® .
Unbound sample components are then washed away.
A final enzymatic step releases the captured E. coli O157
into one of the strip wells.
The entire Immuno-concentration process is performed
automatically by the instrument.
30 ICE strips STR Ready-to-use.
30 ICE SPRs SPR Ready-to-use.
Interior of SPR® s coated with antibodies directed against E coli O157-specific antigens.
ICE standard
(1 x 6 ml)
S1 Ready-to-use.
Alkaline phosphatase-labeled antibodies + preservative + protein stabilizer.
MLE data indicate the confidence interval in Relative Fluorescence Value ("Standard
(S1) RFV Range").
Specifications for the factory master data required to calibrate the test:
MLE data (Master Lot Entry) provided in the kit.
MLE bar code printed on the box label.
1 Package insert downloadable from
The SPR® is coated during production with antibodies
directed against E coli O157-specific antigens.
Each SPR is identified by the "ICE" code. Only remove
the required number of SPR® s from the pouch and
carefully reseal the pouch after opening.
The strip
The strip consists of 10 wells covered with a labeled, foil
seal. The label comprises a bar code which mainly
indicates the assay code, kit lot number and expiration
The foil of the fourth well is perforated to facilitate the
introduction of the sample.
The first well, which is empty, is used to recover the
immuno-concentrated suspension.
The wells in the center section of the strip contain the
various reagents required for the assay.