Unconditioned Stainless Steel XRO 640 Tube
The Extended Range Organics XRO™ 440 and 640 Tubes have been designed to accommodate a target component range from nC4 to nC44 and nC6 to nC44, respectively. These new multi-bed adsorbent tubes are hydrophobic even when sampling 50 liters in an 85% relative humidity environment.
部件號(hào) N9307122
Whenever possible, use lower temperatures for desorbing the tubes than those used for tube conditioning. Always desorb the tubes in the back flush mode with the desorption flow in the opposite direction from that used during sampling. This is achieved by placing the tubes on the TMX carousel so the “P” in PerkinElmer is pointing up. After analysis, the tubes can be re-analyzed to ensure they are clean and/or to ensure sufficient recovery.
Once clean, the long term storage end caps should be placed on the tubes to protect the adsorbents. The impedance test on the TurboMatrix 650 is an excellent validation tool to determine if adsorbent beds have changed over time.
Adsorbents have different upper temperature limit. The adsorbents contained in the XRO tubes have a maximum limit of 400 °C. The recommended tube conditioning temperature is 380 °C, or 25 °C above the desired sample desorption temperature.